Monday, September 10, 2012

The in box. AFT statement in support of CTU Local #1. « Fred Klonsky

The in box. AFT statement in support of CTU Local #1. « Fred Klonsky:

Two readers.

At the CTU rally this afternoon a number of Chicago teachers came up and introduced themselves as readers of this blog. It is always great to meet readers and to hear that this blog is useful to them. I promised a couple of teachers I would put there pictures up. So. Here they are:

The in box. AFT statement in support of CTU Local #1.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2012
UFT President Michael Mulgrew and AFT President Randi Weingarten wearing red in solidarity with CTU Local #1.
Dear Fred,
Late last night, the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike. This came after months of intense negotiations that continued until the last hours before the strike deadline. Today, teachers, educational support personnel and community members throughout Chicago walk together on picket lines to continue to demand a contract that provides the best for students, respects educators and their work, and treats them as true partners. Despite ongoing efforts over the past weekend to reach an agreement, the CTU and the district remain divided on core issues like the best way to improve instruction, and how to ensure job security and fair compensation for educators.
Join us to show your support for the CTU and strong public schools in Chicago by wearing red on Wednesday, Sept. 12.
“Chicago Teachers Union is the AFT’s Local No. 1; it’s where our union was born,” AFT President Randi Weingarten said in a statement of support. “The CTU has a proud tradition of uniting and standing together to advocate and agitate for better—for students, for our communities and for our members.” 
The 1.5 million members of the AFT are proud to stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in their fight to ensure that every child in Chicago’s public schools has access to a great education, and that educators and their work are valued. 
Show Your Solidarity: Wear Red!
Show your support for the CTU and Chicago students by wearing red on Wednesday, Sept. 12, and send your group photos to
Additional Ways to Show Support:
  • Send letters and resolutions of support.

    Mail to: 
Karen Lewis, President, Chicago Teachers Union, Local 1

    Attention: Audrey May 
    Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 400 

    Chicago, Il 60654
  • Make a donation
    Checks should be made payable to CTU Solidarity Fund and mailed to the address above. Credit card donations can be made here.
  • Volunteer your time. 

    If you are interested in volunteering your time to help CTU, sign up here
In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President
P.S. You can also post your expressions of support on the CTU’s Facebook page.