Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Teachers Don't Suck !: Which Party Despises Educators the Most?

Teachers Don't Suck !: Which Party Despises Educators the Most?:

Which Party Despises Educators the Most?

Which party despises educators the most?
It's Hard to tell!
I guess the Democrats just hide it better!
Diane Ravitch's blog

Do Educators Have a Political Party?
August 24, 2012 //

Paul Thomas of Furman University says that educators have no political party, because no political party today supports educators.
The Republican party is downright hostile to public education and to teachers.
Romney’s education agenda calls for privatization.
It is the most radical rightwing document of any major political party in my memory (and I have a long memory).
Romney would be a disaster for American public education, for the schools that enroll almost 90% of the nation’s children.
His agenda is not conservative, because he wants to destroy a cherished part of