Thursday, September 13, 2012

Teachers Don't Suck !: May I Suggest An Addendum to the Report?

Teachers Don't Suck !: May I Suggest An Addendum to the Report?:

May I Suggest An Addendum to the Report?

Here are some ways they might have forgotten:

501. End teacher bashing and disparagement by politicians and the media.
502. Require NJDOE executives to have real teaching experience before they dictate policy from on high. (Not four years in a private school or no experience at all - Please read my Friday, December 9, 2011 piece - "It Takes One to Know One!" ).
503. Require NJDOE executives to come to schools and demonstrate how it is to be done (preferable inner city schools).
504. End the constant state testing. (Stop the flow of huge sums of money to EST)
505. Stop the