Sunday, September 16, 2012

Standing Up for Schools and Kids | The Forum for Education and Democracy

Standing Up for Schools and Kids | The Forum for Education and Democracy:

Standing Up for Schools and Kids

A couple of recent events, one on the state level and one very local, have given me hope and point out the way each and every one of us can stand up for our public schools.
First, three superintendents and their school boards have decided to stand up publicly against the ill-conceived 'Third Grade Guarantee' here in Ohio.  If you missed it, last spring the Ohio legislature, prompted by Governor John Kasich, decided that no child would be promoted to fourth grade unless they could read by third grade.  Further, at each grade level, kindergarten through third, children had to be tested with standardized instruments to see if they are 'on-track' to read by age eight.  If not, an individualized program was to be designed and carried out for each individual student.
Of course there is no funding for the program, just the advice that schools can use their federal dollars for it and that there would be, sometime in the future, grant funds available.  The law, passed in May, had to be implemented by September even though the Ohio Department of Education did not inform school districts of what tests they could use until August.  As of September 13th, the policies to be followed were still changing.
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