Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Schools Matter: How Can Randi and Dennis Support the Chicago Teachers and Continue to Embrace the Policies They Are Rejecting

Schools Matter: How Can Randi and Dennis Support the Chicago Teachers and Continue to Embrace the Policies They Are Rejecting:

How Can Randi and Dennis Support the Chicago Teachers and Continue to Embrace the Policies They Are Rejecting

We all knew sooner or later teachers would wake up and realize they have been sold down the river by the union bosses.  That has happened in Chicago, even as Randi and Dennis continue to spin their lies that teachers support the ed deforms that are dismantling public education for the benefit of the ed industry and the social control oligarchs.

Teachers want sanity returned to schools, where teachers teach, care about their children, and school is not in a never-ending emergency crisis.  We want and demand sanity, with public control rather than corporate control.