Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Schools Matter: Duncan Promotes Resegregationist Policies in Topeka

Schools Matter: Duncan Promotes Resegregationist Policies in Topeka:

Duncan Promotes Resegregationist Policies in Topeka

Breathtaking hubris and moral bankruptcy
Arne Duncan is on another bus tour to promote the corporate education schemes that pit Wall Street hedge funders and the corporate foundations against the children, teachers, and parents of America.  Today Duncan made his most ironic stop yet, at Monroe School, Ground Zero for the fight against segregation in the early 1950s.

Duncan's speech did not explain or even mention how his support for the unimpeded spread of apartheid corporate charter schools has done more than any other administration in the past 60 years to increase, hasten, and intensify the resegregation of American school children.

He did not mention the 9-0 Supreme Court Decision in 1954 that declared that separate schools are inherently