Monday, September 17, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Day 6

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Day 6:

Day 6

Out on the picket lines I saw teachers in small groups, reading the tentative contract, line-by-line and discussing it. Talk about your participatory democracy. Here it is, right on the mean streets of Chicago. No wonder Rahm and his corporate pals are horrified. No wonder he asking for an injunction. Reading a contract before you sign it is a concept so beyond anything that ever takes place in Rahm;s City Council or in Rahm's hand-picked Board of Education, it seems downright revolutionary. Or to quote Rahm, "a threat to public health and safety."

Best headline in the S-T today: Judge punts on forcing teachers back; no school likely Tuesday. Makes you