Sunday, September 9, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Overpaid Teachers? As If!

Jersey Jazzman: Overpaid Teachers? As If!:

Overpaid Teachers? As If!

When Chris Christie first came on the scene, he would go on and on about greedy teachers getting big raises while everyone else was struggling. What he failed to tell his constituents is that most NJ teacher contracts are for three years; that means there is a lag in wage inflation changes between the general workforce and teachers.

Now it's been a few years since the recession hit. How are those "overpaid" teachers doing?
Average teacher raises continue a downward trend, while school boards negotiate more instructional time, NJSBA  reported this week.
The average teacher raise for 2012-2013 is 2.42 percent, according to NJSBA. More than a third (38 percent) of districts report settlements at 2 percent or lower