Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School, Redux.southbronxschool.com


Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School, Redux

What you are about to read is true. The only thing added is the special kind of snarkiness and sarcasm that is so inherent to this blog. But file this under, "you won't believe the shit that I have seen." How ironic that I recycled the name of a previous blog post, yet added "Redux," Like Apocalypse Now, Redux. How very appropriate. 

A Disclaimer... 

Oh, one more thing. At no time, or in no way, is this an indictment against any teacher. Past, present, or future. 

Back on July 15, I wrote about the Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School. Today, we go one step further and explore how this will look in practice, and idiocy.

In the Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School a student that throws chairs and puts othe