Saturday, September 29, 2012

Here come the latest pension bills. « Fred Klonsky

Here come the latest pension bills. « Fred Klonsky:

Here come the latest pension bills.

Elaine Nekritz. She’s baaaaaack!
My pal Glen Brown reports on the latest pension bills. These are likely to be introduced in the post-election veto session of the Illinois General Assembly or in the next session that will be convened after January 1.
HB 6209 and HB 6210 were filed by north suburban Democratic Representative Elaine Nekritz. These two bills are the latest version of the plan to force state retirees to choose between health care and their yearly cost of living adjustment.
Estimates are that somewhere around 40% of  teacher retirees would be forced to choose to remain in TRIP (Teacher Retirement Insurance Plan) as they have no other health insurance options although there are no