Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Former Americans Elect chief may head Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's StudentsFirst - POLITICO.com

Former Americans Elect chief may head Rhee's StudentsFirst - POLITICO.com:

Former Americans Elect chief may head Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's StudentsFirst

The former CEO of Americans Elect may be the next president of the national education reform group founded by onetime Washington D.C. schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee.
Kahlil Byrd, who headed a national campaign to gain ballot access for a third-party presidential candidate, was identified as the next president of StudentsFirst in a Monday email from an outgoing official with the group. StudentsFirst officials declined to confirm the selection, but the group has been in the hunt for additional top-level staff.
In a message to friends and colleagues, outgoing StudentsFirst COO Dmitri Mehlhorn referred to Byrd as the group's new president. In the same email, Mehlhorn announced his own departure from StudentsFirst to join Bloomberg Law.
"Of course, we have much more to do before the USA closes its student achievement gap. But, crucially for me, StudentsFirst is now past the 'launch' phase. The movement’s assets include