Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Education Nation -- starkly different visions from Obama, Romney - First Read #ObamaEdNat #educationnation

Education Nation -- starkly different visions from Obama, Romney - First Read:

Education Nation -- starkly different visions from ObamaRomney

By NBC’s Domenico Montanaro

Education has peeked into the forefront during the 2012 campaign for the White House with President Obama's push for low-interest student loans - and Republican challenger Mitt Romney's contrasting views (“shop around”) on how to pay for college. Obama has also seized on comments Romney made largely dismissing the impact of class sizes, using them for a TV ad running in battleground states.

Margaret Spellings, the former Secretary of Education under George W. Bush, and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa join The Daily Rundown's Chuck Todd to talk about teacher unions, charter schools versus public schools, and investing in education and teachers.