Monday, September 3, 2012

Daily Kos: a few ways I am better off than four years ago

Daily Kos: a few ways I am better off than four years ago:

a few ways I am better off than four years ago

only 5.65% in payroll taxes deducted from paychecks this year
if I change medical insurance I cannot be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions
the gay students I taught who wanted to go into the military can do so now without having to be dishonest
my gay students and friends now have a President who advocates for marriage equality for them
I do not have former students at risk of dying in Iraq on their fifth or more tours there
the stocks in my wife's federal retirement account have regained the value they lost at the end of 2008 under the previous administration
the value of my house is going up
four years ago the interest on my mortgage was 6%, now it is 3.75%
the life of Medicare has been extended sufficiently by ACA that I do not have to worry about it going broke during most of the rest of my projected life (I am 66)
Osama bin Laden is dead, GM (and Chrysler and Ford) are alive
Four years ago an incompetent tool of the rich was in the White House twiddling his thumbs while the economy tanked.  Now we have a President who acted to keep the economy from totally collapsing.
Just a few of the ways I am better off now than I was four years ago.