Monday, September 24, 2012

Arizona Bars Children From Learning About Themselves (The Librotraficante) [Why We Write Series] | The Jose Vilson

Arizona Bars Children From Learning About Themselves (The Librotraficante) [Why We Write Series] | The Jose Vilson:

Arizona Bars Children From Learning About Themselves (The Librotraficante) [Why We Write Series]

Luis Rodriguez
What Luis Rodriguez makes evident in the following excerpt from the preface of Always Running is our responsibility to speak to the injustices of the world from the lens of a common struggle. Check:
Criminality in this country is a class issue. Many of those warehoused in overcrowded prisons can be properly called “criminals of want,” those who’ve been deprived of the basic necessities of life and therefore forced into so-called criminal acts to survive. Many of them just don’t have the means to buy their “justice.” They are members of a social stratum which includes welfare mothers, housing project residents, immigrant families, the homeless and unemployed. This book is part of