Monday, September 3, 2012

6 Ways Principals Can Connect With Students | Connected Principals

6 Ways Principals Can Connect With Students | Connected Principals:

6 Ways Principals Can Connect With Students

This killed me today…
My 8 year old girl when asked what a Principal does, “It’s that person that talks to you when you’ve done something bad.” #cpchat
—Alec Couros (@courosa) August 25, 2012
As most of you know, that was from my brother and he is referring to my amazing little niece. I do not want her or any other kid seeing their principal in that manner.  This is in no way meant to criticize the current principal or Raine’s school, but it did spark me to think about my time as a school principal and some of the things that were extremely important to me.  ”Fostering Effective Relationships”, in my opinion,  is the most important quality outlined in the Alberta Principal Quality Standard, and those relationships are the basis of a strong and innovative school.
As schools have either started or will be starting in the next little while, I just wanted to share some ideas about