Saturday, August 25, 2012

Will KIPP Take the Challenge? « Diane Ravitch's blog

Will KIPP Take the Challenge? « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Will KIPP Take the Challenge?

A comment by Jonathan Schorr (son of the famous Dan Schorr, who was a fearless man of the left, opposed to plutocrats and billionaires and privatizers and their schemes in foreign nations) suggests that KIPP will NOT take the challenge. Jon says that KIPP would abandon their original purpose if they accepted responsibility for an entire impoverished district. Jon says it is wrong to expect KIPP to take on a district. That would betray their “original purpose.” Which, I guess, means to help the lucky few escape from poverty.
I say, if KIPP has the secret sauce for raising the achievement of poor minority youth, then demonstrate that it works in an entire district, not just for the lucky few.
Come on. The eyes of the nation are on you.
You can do it.
Take on a low-performing district and teach us