Monday, August 27, 2012

Why school lunch gets some kids sick - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Why school lunch gets some kids sick - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

Answer Sheet

Why school lunch gets some kids sick

Two sixth-graders at a Minneapolis public school say kids in the district are being forced to gobble down food at lunch because they have only 15 minutes to eat — which in reality is more like 10 — and that schedules like this are making kids feel sick and contributing to the country’s obesity epidemic.

First lady Michelle Obama gets lunch at Parklawn Elementary School in Fairfax County earlier this year. (KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS)
Talia Bradley and Antonia Ritter, students at Seward Montessori School, wrote about the problem in the Star Tribune, saying:
Having to rush to eat is part of the reason for the obesity epidemic, eating disorders, indigestion and kids not doing well in school. There is research that proves all of these points. Kids just need