Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why Homeschoolers & Christian School Parents Should Be Concerned About the Common Core | Truth in American Education

Why Homeschoolers & Christian School Parents Should Be Concerned About the Common Core | Truth in American Education:

Why Homeschoolers & Christian School Parents Should Be Concerned About the Common Core

A couple of our partners were interviewed by Napp Nazworth of The Christian Post.  They both expressed concerns about the Federal government’s involvement in promoting the Common Core State Standards and what that could mean for homeschooling and Christian schools in the future.
In an interview with The Christian Post, Maureen Van Den Berg, legislative director for the American Association of Christian Schools, expressed concern over the potential that the CCSSI could develop into a national curriculum that even private schools would be pushed into adopting.
“One of our biggest concerns is that [CCSSI] will turn into a national curriculum,” Van Den Berg said. “If the federal government already has