Friday, August 17, 2012

When Comic Journalism Meets Education Reform « Diane Ravitch's blog

When Comic Journalism Meets Education Reform « Diane Ravitch's blog:

When Comic Journalism Meets Education Reform

What do you do when you want to reach the public but you have no money and no access to the mainstream media?
Here’s what:
Some very brilliant educators decided to try a novel way to explain the issues to the public. They used comic journalism, a simple, direct means of communicating complex ideas.
What do you think? Is it an effective medium?

Pre-K Standards in Common Core

A reader does some Internet searching for pre-K standards and comments:
A simple Google search for “Pre-kindergarten and Common Core State Standards” brings up 4,100,000 matches. Here are just a few interesting links: New York State’s “P-12 Common Core Standards” document: From “eye on early education” regarding Massachusetts Pre-K Common Core initiative: Maryland’s “Common Core State Curriculum Framework” beginning with PreK Math Standards: Connecticut’s PreK Common Core