Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What Are the Bounds of Civil Discussion? « Diane Ravitch's blog

What Are the Bounds of Civil Discussion? « Diane Ravitch's blog:

What Are the Bounds of Civil Discussion?

Earlier today I published a biting critique of John White and Bobby Jindal, who are doing their best to privatize public education in Louisiana. I happen to think the pair have turned the state of Louisiana into an international laughing stock and put the future of a generation of children at risk.
The writer, who lives in Louisiana, called them vandals, said that John White is a hack, and referred to White’s staff as “the TFA  Goon Squad.”
Two people wrote to say how shocked they were that I would permit such language to be used. They said I called for civility and had violated my own pledge.
I am reminded that when I used to tweet, I would find myself at the receiving end  of really nasty, vituperative insults. I never responded in kind. But if I dared to show that I was offended, I could count on several reformer-

An Angry Teacher in Louisiana Replies

A reader said he was shocked, shocked by a post that linked to an article that spoke disparagingly of Governor Bobby Jindal and State Commissioner of Education John White. He thought it was “uncivil” to refer to them in disrespectful language.
This teacher from Louisiana disagrees. Since there aren’t many places in Louisiana where his or her views may be expressed in print, I am happy to print them here.
But they are thieves, vandals, liars and profiteers here in Louisiana!
They are also people I disagree with. I disagree with them because I disagree with rating teachers on student 

Secret of Successful Boston Charter Schools?

This just in from a teacher in Boston:
Check out the number of special education students and limited English speakers in Boston Public Schools compared to these charter schools where genius teachers from fancy universities are such a great success. BPS has 18.3% special education and 30% limited English speakers. The Edward Brooke has 7.4% special education students and .2% limited English speakers. The Edward Brooke, which is scary with their extreme military style discipline, has the lowest percentage of pesky resistant learners at the charters mentioned in this