Thursday, August 2, 2012

Voice and Vision « InterACT

Voice and Vision « InterACT:

Voice and Vision

visionTeacher voice will only take us so far without a vision to accompany it.
Teacher voice is a concept that is central to my work, one that I’ve tried to immerse myself in for years, but in a webinar today I began to think we need an expanded concept: voice and vision.
Bill Ferriter, The Tempered Radical, is one of my favorite people to read, listen to, and talk to about these issues.  We first met in a virtual space, the Teacher Leaders Network, and then cemented a virtual camraderie by meeting in person at some conferences.  Bill was the most influential person in pushing me towards blogging, (and he’s also someone you should follow on Twitter).
In today’s Connected Educator webinar session, “Beyond Top-Down: Teacher-Led Change,” an important question came up regarding teacher interactions with policy makers: are we token participants among influential