Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Weekly Update: So much money, so little time, creationism in voucher schools and who’s holding Arne Duncan accountable? | Seattle Education

The Weekly Update: So much money, so little time, creationism in voucher schools and who’s holding Arne Duncan accountable? | Seattle Education:

The Weekly Update: So much money, so little time, creationism in voucher schools and who’s holding Arne Duncan accountable?

The Weekly Update for the news you might have missed
President Obama and his Secretary of Education Arne Race-to-the-Top Duncan.
Obama has become the darling of a whole new world of financiers and entrepreneurs in education who are making riches off of our educational system with his Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and the Race to the Top  program that includes common core standards, non-union teachers, testing of anything that moves, charter schools and now school vouchers.
Today we’ll start with Stephanie Simon’s article:
Privatizing Public Schools: Big Firms Eyeing Profits From U.S. K-12 Market
The investors gathered in a tony private club in Manhattan were eager to hear about the next big thing, and