Sunday, August 12, 2012

THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: High school retention: Oakland's charter schools vs. OUSD schools

THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: High school retention: Oakland's charter schools vs. OUSD schools:

High school retention: Oakland's charter schools vs. OUSD schools

Are the privately-operated charter high schools in Oakland doing a better job than Oakland Unified School District's high schools with holding onto their freshman students until the twelfth grade?

One way to explore the answer is by comparing the enrollment at Grade 9 with that of Grade 12 at the different schools using figures posted by the California Department of Education’s DataQuest. This was done for cohorts at charter high schools and OUSD high schools who arrived at Grade 12 for the school years 2010-11 and 2011-12.*

Comparison of Grade 9>12: 2010-11
·    OUSD high schools had a higher student retention rate than Oakland’s charter high schools, by 7.2% points.