Thursday, August 30, 2012

The in box. It’s “Call Brizzard Thursday.” « Fred Klonsky

The in box. It’s “Call Brizzard Thursday.” « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. It’s “Call Brizzard Thursday.”

Call CPS today…and every Thursday until teachers win a fair contract!
Call CPS CEO J.C. Brizard today and every Thursday at 773-553-1500 until the current contract dispute is resolved in a way that benefits our teachers and our kids. Tell him you support the teachers’ contract demands for:
Smaller classes
A better, not just longer, day
More social services, counselors and nurses for our schools
Job security and fair compensation for teachers
Teachers’ needs and our children’s needs go hand in hand. With parents and teachers united, we can win the schools our children deserve!
Call 773-553-1500 and make your voice heard!
Host a parent/teacher meeting at your home or school
If you just listened to the media, you’d think the current teacher contract dispute is only about money. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Teachers are fighting for the things that matter most in our schools. Their teaching conditions are our children’s learning conditions.
Host a meeting at your home or school to discuss what’s at stake with your friends, neighbors and fellow parents. Contact and we’ll help facilitate the meeting and make a presentation.
Parent pressure on the board is the key to avoiding a strike. We all need to stay informed and involved.
Please share this email with your friends!
For more info, visit

Strike notice filed.

Nothing for me to say. The Chicago Teachers Union says it all.
Chicago Headed Toward First Teachers Strike in 25 Years
CTU files 10-day strike notice with labor board; strike date has not been set
CHICAGO - Today, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) filed a 10-day notice with the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board indicating more than 26,000 public school teachers, clinicians and paraprofessionals may go on strike in coming days. The notice is a legal requirement defined by state law. No date for a strike has been set by Union leaders. The House of Delegates will meet Thursday at 4:30 p.m. to talk next steps.
Should CTU members call for a work stoppage, this will be the first “teachers’ strike” in Chicago