Friday, August 3, 2012

Teachers Don't Suck !: An Interesting Article Referenced on FB

Teachers Don't Suck !: An Interesting Article Referenced on FB:

An Interesting Article Referenced on FB

I wonder if the "assignee" will be related
to politically connected parties?

I wonder if Booker, Joe D, Cerf or our Governor fit anywhere into this picture?? 
Just asking !

Op-Ed: A Call for Fairness in School Options
All our children deserve quality schools, and quality education within them
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By Junius Williams, Esq., August 1, 2012 in Opinion |4 Comments

In law school, we were taught to evaluate contracts, including leases, looking at the interests created and protected within the four corners of the document. Using this approach we can see which party has the most power by determining the dominant interests, despite public proclamations to the contrary. Through this lens and looking at a recently state superintendent approved long-term lease