Friday, August 24, 2012

Schools Matter: Letter from NY Administrator, Carol Burris

Schools Matter: Letter from NY Administrator, Carol Burris:

Letter from NY Administrator, Carol Burris

Dear friends,

Exciting things are beginning to happen. Parents realize that their children's test scores should not be used for reasons other than guiding  learning.  They also realize that because of other purposes, like APPR, their sons and daughters are sitting for more tests which are becoming longer and longer.  The costs are enormous at a time of shrinking budgets, and student data is being collected at very detailed levels. Tax dollars and learning time are being wasted.  I wrote about what is going on here:

Would you take the time to forward the link to the above article to friends?  Ask them to hit 'favorite'  at the end

A Note from the Principal's Office at AERA: Make Your Service "Academic"

Our language has a common phrase to measure irrelevancy, and when a situation gets really irrelevant, we may hear that "it's academic."   The phrase is derived, perhaps, from the cloistering of knowledge and expertise within a discipline so much so that it has no bearing on worldly events or no potential for human understanding outside the guild that created it.  

Much of the scholarship produced within the disciplines, and particularly in subjects wishing to be disciplines, e. g., education, meets the criteria for irrelevancy, that is, it is "academic."  And much of it never gets beyond its