Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Schools Matter: Bob George Lies to Ed Week

Schools Matter: Bob George Lies to Ed Week:

Bob George Lies to Ed Week

Yesterday Ed Week published a sad gloss on Save Our Schools, which has gone from a fire-breathing operation in 2011 to a small band of conventional conventioneers working under the non-coordination of corporate VP, Bob George.

And as may be expected, Bob George is mentioned prominently in the Ed Week piece, even though the term "conflict of interest" does not appear beside his name.  For those who have not been following the controversy surrounding Corporate Bob's role in SOS, Bob George is the Senior VP for Catapult Learning who has carried the checkbook for SOS and "coordinated" the online meetings with other bedazzled members of the SOS Steering Committee, most of whom still view Bob George's protection as more important than the organization they, otherwise, pour out their blood, sweat, and tears to protect.

Stephen Sawchuck, who wrote the piece for Ed Week, tiptoes around the issue of having a head of a leading