Friday, August 24, 2012

School Tech Connect: Asocial Media

School Tech Connect: Asocial Media:

Asocial Media

I'm trying to check in on Twitter more often to see who's following me. I get a lot of life coaches and public relations people and other sad types, but I also have a lot of people I really admire. I dunno. My relationship to social media is like my relationship to Old Style. There's a long history but it probably could have been replaced by something better.

Every once in a while I see someone on the list and I wonder what their deal is, and I follow the links. Now, I've got no bone to pick with this particular fellow, although I think his day job is kind of dishonest. I just wonder what the social media objective is here.

I mean, there's a guy with literally nothing to say. I'm sure he's just keeping his finger on the pulse, or whatever,