Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Polling the Common Core State Standards | Truth in American Education

Polling the Common Core State Standards | Truth in American Education:

Polling the Common Core State Standards

Phi Delta Kappa International teamed up with Gallup to poll the public attitudes toward public schools.   They polled 1,002 Americans who are 18-years of age and older.  This year they asked specific questions about the Common Core State Standards.  They introduce this section of the polling data:
Attempts to create national education standards in the U.S. has stalled until the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers undertook an effort to created voluntary standards with control vested at the state rather than federal level.  Educators, policy makers and philanthropists have embraced the Common Core State Standards that currently are constructed only for mathematics and English language arts.  Forty-five states and the District of Columbia have adopted them.  We decided to measure public support for these standards.
My first thought is how were these questions introduced to those being polled?  Perhaps they weren’t.  If they