Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama To Hit Romney On Education With Two Tuesday Speeches, DNC Video

Obama To Hit Romney On Education With Two Tuesday Speeches, DNC Video:

Obama To Hit Romney On Education With Two Tuesday Speeches, DNC Video

David Driscoll, who recently served as Massachusetts' education commissioner, remembers touring the state's high schools to promote a new scholarship that promised free college tuition at in state universities for top-performing students. Often by his side was a political heavyweight who was bound to increase interest in the program: Mitt Romney, then the state's governor, and now the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

"It was done under his regime, and he was very personally involved," Driscoll said, recalling the early days of theJohn and Abigail Adams Scholarship program, which helped students scoring in the top quarter of their districts pay for college. "He would join me in going around to certain high schools. He certainly put the bully pulpit behind it."

It's a program the former governor still promotes on the campaign trail, saying in May that he "put in place a