Friday, August 31, 2012

NYC Educator: GOP Convention Best Obama Ad Money Could Buy

NYC Educator: GOP Convention Best Obama Ad Money Could Buy:

GOP Convention Best Obama Ad Money Could Buy

I've been tuning in and out of the convention for the past three nights. It's really mind-blowing how much these people hate teachers. Of course, they'll say we don't hate teachers. We only hate the unions. The teachers are fine, but those magical elves and wood-nymphs in the union really get on our nerves.

They trotted out people who don't fit into the Leave it to Beaver world, the world that never was which they long to get back to. They conveniently forget the tax rates on the rich that were around back when we were pretending Ward and the Beav represented what went on in our country.

I watched Clint Eastwood talk to a chair, then saw Romney talk, and couldn't decide, given an either-or contest, whether I'd vote for Romney or the chair.

I'm leaning toward Green candidate Jill Stein right now. I like her. She has reasonable ideas. Of course, I don't