Friday, August 17, 2012

Mother Crusader: The Reformy Double Bind

Mother Crusader: The Reformy Double Bind:

The Reformy Double Bind

Jersey Jazzman has a great piece today about the fact that the NJDOE has yet to release the names of the schools participating in the Interdistrict Public School Choice Program for the 2012-2013 school year.

In his post he points out a potential pitfall with the program:
"I am concerned, however, that IPSC creates the same trap that charter schools do: the kids who will use it are going to be the kids with fewer special needs, fewer language issues, and aren't as poor as the kids staying in their home districts. So the money follows the children who are the least expensive to educate, leaving the home district to educate the rest of the kids with fewer resources."
Highland Park almost applied to be an IPSC school as a concession to the founders of Tikun Olam Hebrew