Monday, August 20, 2012

Morning Read: The Powers That Be | LA School ReportLA School Report

Morning Read: The Powers That Be | LA School ReportLA School Report:

School Board To Vote On Competing Ballot Measures

When the LAUSD Board meets tomorrow morning at 9 am, the first item of business will be which of the competing tax measures on the November ballot to support. Governor Jerry Brown is pushing proposition 30while Molly Munger is pushing prop 38. The state’s rank-and-file Democrats are lining up to support the governor’s measure, and keeping mum on Munger’s.
Board members Bennett Kayser and Steve Zimmer will introduce a resolution to support both propositions; Monica Garcia, Tamar Galatzan and Zimmer will introduce a resolution to support proposition 30; while Galatzan, Zimmer and Nury Martinez will introduce a resolution to support prop 38.
Of course, these are symbolic resolutions that have no effect on anything in the real world, but it could offer an 

Morning Read: The Powers That Be

• Adelanto parents lose charter school bid: On Friday, the Adelanto School Board rejected the petition by parents of Desert Trails Elementary (site of the recent parent trigger ruling) to convert their school into a charter, saying there wasn’t enough time to implement before the school year. The board voted, instead, to install a “community advisory council” composed of teachers, parents, administrators and community members. The council will supervise reforms and report directly to, you guessed it, the superintendent and the school board. Parent Revolution says the vote violates the judge’s recent ruling. LA Times
• California Teachers Association, a powerful force in Sacramento: The LA Times goes long on the power and influence of the CTA:
The union views itself as “the co-equal fourth branch of government,” said Oakland Democrat Don Perata, a former teacher who crossed swords with the group when he was state Senate leader.
The article is highly recommended. LA Times

• Charter school group’s chief blamed for 2010 cheating scandal: Two separate investigations have concluded that John Allen, founder and head of Crescendo schools, asked principals and teachers to show