Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Who Is StudentsFirst Backing in the MO Elections?

Missouri Education Watchdog: Who Is StudentsFirst Backing in the MO Elections?:

Who Is StudentsFirst Backing in the MO Elections?

This arrived in our mailbox this week from StudentsFirst.

We are pleased to announce our endorsements for the 2012 Missouri Primary Elections for elected offices in the State's General Assembly. The endorsed candidates below have been selected based upon their responses to a questionnaire on education policies and, if incumbents, their record of support for common sense education reform efforts. All those endorsed have clearly demonstrated their commitment to improving education for all children in Missouri.
           [Note: SF's letter did not identify party, but we have added it to show that this is not limited to one party.] 

  • Representative Steve Webb (D) - 67th House DistrictRep. Webb's leadership as Chair of the Legislative Black Caucus has been vital to the advancement of education reform discourse, as well as passing of education reform legislation, in Missouri.