Thursday, August 23, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: EAGnews Buys into the "Bad Teacher" Argument

Missouri Education Watchdog: EAGnews Buys into the "Bad Teacher" Argument:

EAGnews Buys into the "Bad Teacher" Argument

There are many factors in a failing school.  Why just blame "ineffective" teachers...and just how are there "ineffective" teachers measured?

This morning we posted how the Missouri Riverview Gardens school district scores were not better even as the state took over the district's educational delivery for the last two years.  We questioned if Missouri DESE's Chris Nicastro should be fired as an "ineffective"  administrator.  According to a letter to the editor and a former Riverview Gardens teacher who was fired, the reasons a school fails could possibly be for additional reasons, not just that "ineffective" teachers cause low student achievement.

Augsut 23, 2012
Pennsylvania teachers told no more raises until