Monday, August 20, 2012

Louisiana Educator: Choice Providers: Private Schools Authorized to Raid MFP

Louisiana Educator: Choice Providers: Private Schools Authorized to Raid MFP:

Choice Providers: Private Schools Authorized to Raid MFP

Note to my readers:This is an expansion of my post of July 2, 2012 that alerted you to the new Choice Course Provider system. More information has come to light as a result of the LDOE web page giving detailed information on how the Department plans to proceed with this program.

A new type of private school serving public school students at taxpayer expense was created by Act 2 of 2012. These new private schools will offer “Choice Courses”, a major component of Jindal's attack on our public schools. Choice course providers will be able to recruit students and a portion of their MFP allocation starting with the 2013-14 school year. All students attending public schools rated “C” or below (more than half of public schools) will be targets of these new choice providers. There is also a provision in the law that allows students from B or A schools to take choice courses and raid the MFP funding if such courses are not offered by their home schools. Proposals are now being received by the State Department of Education for choice courses for the 2013-14 school year. BESE will have the authority to approve any courses by private providers that meet