Thursday, August 9, 2012

Local Control = Real Freedom | Truth in American Education

Local Control = Real Freedom | Truth in American Education:

Local Control = Real Freedom

I was shocked – SHOCKED to read this in a newspaper editorial because most have, by and large, embraced the centralization of education at the state and federal levels.  I almost wanted to cry, ok I’m exaggerating, but it is great to see that the editorial board of The Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel gets it.
An excerpt:
There is a need, of course, for input from all levels of government on maintaining superior public education. The greatest need is for local input, but the pressure from both state and federal governments is for greater control from farther distances. Before we lose local control altogether, we ought to consider just what we will be giving up.
The very premise of this nation is that the more decisions are made closest to the people they affect, the better off we are. The farther away we move from local solutions based on local