Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Leading innovative & transformative change: 5 key considerations | Connected Principals

Leading innovative & transformative change: 5 key considerations | Connected Principals:

Leading innovative & transformative change: 5 key considerations

This blog follows closely on the back of my colleague’s recent blogpost ( as I consider her thoughts and some recent consultancy experience. What are five of the key considerations I can see in leading a learning community down fresh pathways?

1. Cast vision as clearly, concisely and strongly as you can
When it comes down to it, vision becomes the greatest unifier and direction-setter you can draw from. When ideas might be challenged, you can fall back to vision. The stronger you cast vision, share vision, grow vision, the more aligned everyone’s thinking will be under the ‘stardust’ of that vision.
2. Claim & reclaim conversations: be forward thinking & inspiration based, never reactive or defensive
In the sometimes battleground of change, look to the future as the rationale for thinking. What is the world these students will graduate into? Is it likely to be the same as ours? If in doubt, use a resource such as the NIC documents (see links). The world of 2025 / 2030 will require divergent, collaborative thinking and action. It will