Monday, August 27, 2012

Kimble's Corner: Jack Kimble's Convention Speech on The War on Women

Kimble's Corner: Jack Kimble's Convention Speech on The War on Women:

Jack Kimbles Convention Speech on The War on Women

[Congressman Jack Kimble was originally supposed to give the following speech at the Republican National Convention during Monday afternoon. Due to weather concerns, the speech was given Monday evening at a Saint Pete Waffle House]
I am deeply honored to address the Republican National Convention and the Saint Pete's Waffle House waitstaff. I stand in the shadow of great conservative culture warriors who have come here before me, but none of them could have had more pride than mine in representing the gallant American fighting man engaged in the war on women today. These men are sensitive to their mission and as we have seen unbeatable in carrying out that mission.

We are fighting to build a strong male-centric nation while women organized, directed, and supported from without attempt to engulf it. This is an unprecedented challenge for our nation, but it is one that will confront any