Monday, August 27, 2012

Join something. « Fred Klonsky

Join something. « Fred Klonsky:

Join something.

When I imagined my retirement from teaching I thought of it as a distinct moment. One day I would be an active teacher. The next day I would be a retiree.
Not quite.
It is true that on June 8th I walked out of the door of my school for the last time as a teacher.
But there are other moments.
The day I got notice of my first Teacher Retirement System check being direct deposited into my bank account

Hack journalism.

Faux journalist Scott Reeder.
Sometimes I will get a phone call or an email from somebody who disagrees with me and asks, “What kind of journalist ARE you?”
And I reply, “I’m NOT a journalist. I’m a teacher who happens to blog.”
But unlike Scott Reeder, who claims to be a journalist, I don’t tell lies.
Scott Reeder calls himself “a veteran statehouse reporter and the journalist in residence at the Illinois Policy Institute, writes a weekly column for the Rockford Register Star and”
The IPI is a corporate think tank and lobbying outfit that hates unions and is pushing for the destruction of public