Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jeb Bush on Common Core: “I don’t think it’s coercive” | Truth in American Education

Jeb Bush on Common Core: “I don’t think it’s coercive” | Truth in American Education:

Jeb Bush on Common Core: “I don’t think it’s coercive”

EdWeek published an interview with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush at the Republican National Convention.  Here are the lowlights.
1. He praises Race to the Top
Bush cited Obama’s “efforts to challenge his own party on education reform.” And he said that [Race the the Top] helped “change behavior in places that people didn’t expect it would be changed.” He also gave the thumbs-up to Obama’s pick for an education secretary. “Arne Duncan was a great choice. … It could have been a lot worse.”
2. His view of the Common Core.
“I don’t believe that common core is a federal initiative,” Bush said. “A majority of the Republican