Sunday, August 12, 2012

Jay Matthews Slams D.C. Cheating Investigation « Diane Ravitch's blog

Jay Matthews Slams D.C. Cheating Investigation « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Jay Matthews Slams D.C. Cheating Investigation

Jay Matthews does not believe the investigation of the DC cheating scandal is credible.
The DC Inspector General concluded that nothing much happened. He confined his investigation to one school only. He didn’t investigate any other schools.
Matthews writes:

Now we know who did it. D.C. Inspector General Charles J. Willoughby has concluded his 16-month probe of cheating on the D.C. schools’ annual tests by saying that kids, not adults, made the astonishing number of wrong-to-right erasures found on answer sheets.
Never mind that testing companies, academic experts and veteran teachers say that students almost