Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hilarious! What Kids Will Learn in Jindal Voucher Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog

Hilarious! What Kids Will Learn in Jindal Voucher Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Hilarious! What Kids Will Learn in Jindal Voucher Schools

One of the reasons I love Twitter is that I find it a great source of information and stories. People send me links to stories in newspapers across the country and to magazine stories they know will interest me. I got several tweets today with this story.
It is one of the best portrayals of what is taught in at least 19 of the schools that will get voucher students and about $4 million of taxpayers’ dollars.
Every one of these dollars will be subtracted from the minimum foundation budget for public schools, which will be poorer so that children can learn that the Ku Klux Klan was a benevolent society and slavery wasn’t all that

Texas Anti-Testing Revolt Reaches Business Leaders

There is a hugely important development in Texas.
Tom Pauken, the former head of the state Republican party and a current state workforce commissioner representing employers told a meeting of business leaders that testing had gotten out of control in the state and was actually hurting the workforce of the future. “I’m really concerned we’re choking off the pipeline of skilled workers that our employers need,” he said. “We’re spending too much time and effort teaching to the test