Friday, August 3, 2012

Heaping Insults on America’s Teachers | Dissident Voice

Heaping Insults on America’s Teachers | Dissident Voice:

Heaping Insults on America’s Teachers

When Joe Torre left as manager of the New York Yankees following the 2007 season, it was not without rancor.  According to reports, Torre felt that, after years of faithful and productive service, he had been grossly disrespected by Yankee management.  Torre turned down a one-year $5 million salary offer, which, while a large chunk of change in the real world, was a hefty $2.5 million less than he’d made the previous season.
But it wasn’t simply the cut in pay that rankled Torre.  Rather, it was the insidious suggestion that Torre hadn’t properly applied himself—hadn’t tried hard enough to win games—during the previous three disappointing seasons.  To Torre, evidence of that suggestion was demonstrated by the incentive bonuses the Yankees offered.
Per the new offer, Torre would earn a cash bonus if the team won the division, another cash bonus if they won