Wednesday, August 29, 2012

GOP platform’s contempt for public education - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

GOP platform’s contempt for public education - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

GOP platform’s contempt for public education

It was obviously too difficult for the authors of the 2012 Republican Party platform to hide their contempt for public education, because it is evident throughout the section on schooling.
What’s more, the education section is used to promote the party’s cultural values, going on at some length about support for abstinence
(Jae C. Hong/AP)
education and its opposition to using federal funds in “mandatory or universal mental health, psychiatric, or socio-emotional screening program.” The message appears to be that schools should teach kids not to have sex but shouldn’t use federal funds to screen students who may be so mentally ill that they are dangerous in a classroom.
The platform says that school choice is “the most important driving force for renewing our schools,” and proceeds to hail homeschooling, private