Thursday, August 9, 2012

Expresso :: Issue of the Week: National Voucher Group Meddles in Milwaukee Democratic Primaries

Expresso :: Issue of the Week: National Voucher Group Meddles in Milwaukee Democratic Primaries:

Issue of the Week: National Voucher Group Meddles in Milwaukee Democratic Primaries

Plus: Hero of the Week

By Shepherd Express Staff
It's happened before and it's happening again.

The American Federation for Children (AFC)—a Washington, D.C.-based pro-school-privatization group funded by some of the wealthiest Republican activists in the country—is supporting some Milwaukee candidates in the Democratic primaries.

This year, AFC is spending thousands of dollars on independent expenditures in support of candidates Elizabeth Coggs in Senate District 6, Millie Coby in Assembly District 10, Jason Fields in Assembly District 11, Fields' brother Jarett Fields in Assembly District 18, and Tracey Dent in Assembly District 17.

National pro-voucher groups typically dump money into races late in the game to skirt campaign-finance reporting deadlines so that all of their post-deadline spending doesn't show