Sunday, August 5, 2012

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Thinking Out Loud! If I Don't Tweet and/or Blog, Does That Make Me a "Bad" Teacher?

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Thinking Out Loud! If I Don't Tweet and/or Blog, Does That Make Me a "Bad" Teacher?:

Thinking Out Loud! If I Don't Tweet and/or Blog, Does That Make Me a "Bad" Teacher?

Yeah! It's Connected Educator Month!

After reading numerous articles and tweets over the past year, I am getting an idea. An idea, that may be a misconception on my part. Is there a belief that teachers who are passionate about tweeting and/or blogging, are considered "better" teachers??? Are we considered "better" than the ones who don't?

I know I am passionate about tweeting and blogging. I am on Twitter every day, I post on my blog once or twice a