Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daily Kos: strongly suggest you read Nick Kristof this morning

Daily Kos: strongly suggest you read Nick Kristof this morning:

strongly suggest you read Nick Kristof this morning

His New York Times column is titled The Secret Weapon: All of Us, and it goes after the theme of the RNC, "We Built It."
A preliminary caution - some here will not like Kristof taking Democrats to task for criticizing Romney for outsourcing, but he tempers that with writing about the “You didn’t build that — you destroyed it.” meme Democrats are pushing at Romney.
Consider instead how he goes after the Republican claim to be job creators:
Prof. Robert S. McElvaine of Millsaps College examined employment data for the 64 years from the beginning of Harry Truman’s presidency to the end of George W. Bush’s. He found that an average of two million jobs were created per year when a Democrat was president, compared with one million annually when a Republican was president.More pointedly, and unfortunately for Romney, business executives have only a mediocre record when transferring their skills to government. In the last great economic mess, this country was led by a Republican who had been stunningly successful in business: Herbert Hoover. Hmm. More recently, President George W. Bush staffed his cabinet with C.E.O.’s who had been stellar in the private sector — and that didn’t work out so well, either.
And there is more.