Tuesday, August 14, 2012

California's Prop. 32 would be Citizens United on steroids - The Hill's Congress Blog

California's Prop. 32 would be Citizens United on steroids - The Hill's Congress Blog:

California's Prop. 32 would be Citizens United on steroids

By John Logan, professor, San Francisco State University 08/14/12 07:57 AM ET
Conservative activists in California are promoting a deceptive ballot proposition that would increase the ability of business groups and billionaires to dominate state elections. The measure, Proposition 32, claims to be an even-handed effort at campaign finance reform – but nothing could be further from the truth. Prop. 32 (or “Stop Special Interest Money Now,” as its big money supporters prefer to call it) would cripple the ability of unions to participate in politics, but have little or no impact on unlimited spending by corporate executives and other wealthy individuals.
Data compiled by the non-partisan Center for Investigative Reporting