Monday, August 13, 2012

Bill would force creation of standards for transitional kindergarten SI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources

Bill would force creation of standards for transitional kindergarten
By Kimberly Beltran
Friday, August 10, 2012
Even as hundreds of California schools prepare to launch transitional kindergarten for the first time this year, a bill awaiting a Senate vote would create standards for what and how the program’s not-quite 5-year olds should be taught.
AB 1853 by Democratic Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla of Martinez creates a plan for developing teaching standards for the program and for issuing a “recognition of study in transitional kindergarten” to holders of multiple subject teaching credentials, who will be teaching students enrolled in the classes.
The bill authorizes the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to convene a work group comprised of transitional kindergarten experts to develop program standards and to work with the state department of education to gather and make available best practices on curriculum and professional development.
Erin Sullivan, a consultant with the CTC’s Office of Governmental Relations, said concerned teachers, worried about a 

SI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources: